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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  14x164 Suivant
Ep. #3426
Diffusé le : 10/11/2000
CJ barges into the guest house and warns Rick to stay away from his wedding today. CJ tells Rick that Amber and little Eric are his family now. Rick calls Amber and begs her not to marry CJ. He asks her to admit that she still loves him, which she does, but she adds that her future is with CJ and the baby. Rick calls Jonathan and informs him that he'll wait for the paperwork at Deacon's. Jonathan tells Rick not to give Deacon the cash till the papers are signed. Deacon isn't happy when Rick arrives and they have to wait. Stephanie informs Eric of Rick's plan. Eric isn't happy that they are paying for a baby. Stephanie realises that she must get Amber alone to stall her. Darla notices that Amber is shaken and flustered. Sally says that it's just nerves and whisks her off to get into her wedding gown. Amber cries as she kisses a photograph of Rick and bids him goodbye. (
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