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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  14x77 Suivant
Ep. #3339
Diffusé le : 07/07/2000
Rick finds Bridget at home and she figures out that Brooke has a boyfriend. Rick avoids her questions, but Bridget demands to know who it is. Sally and Clarke both agree that Macy's marriage to Thorne will end soon, neither believing that Thorne and Macy can be happy together now Brooke is envolved. Macy wakes after the accident and finds that her legs are trapped, while Brooke lays unconscious and bleeding from her head. Thorne stumbles upon the accident and Macy instructs him to get Brooke out first. Kimberly later arrives on her way up the mountain and wonders where Macy is. The driver of the truck that Macy hit tries in vain to pull Macy from the wreckage as the tanker starts leaking gasoline. Thorne makes Kimberly stay with Brooke, while he goes to help the trucker rescue Macy, but the tanker and car ignite and explode in front of him. (
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