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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  14x76 Suivant
Ep. #3338
Diffusé le : 06/07/2000
Amber and C.J. watch Becky's tape as she tells them that she wishes them to raise her son. Becky also suggests that she wants them both to be happy, hinting that they can find that happiness together. Clarke worries that Kimberly won't be able to handle Macy if she has been drinking, but Sally assures him that Macy is sober. Sally begins worrying as she sits and waits for news. Kimberly drives up the mountain and tries to call Macy but gets no answer, while Thorne sits in a diner and gets no answer when he tries to call Brooke. Macy wonders if Brooke is afraid as she lays on the floor. Macy hurls some more insults before grabbing Brooke's keys and jumping into her car. Brooke gets in as Macy speeds off. Brooke demands Macy stop the car as she picks up speed. Macy tells Brooke that she will never have Thorne as she swerves the car off the road. (
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