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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  11x16 Suivant
Ep. #2521
Diffusé le : 14/04/1997
Hunter finds out that Enrique's fingerprints are also on the gun used to shoot Grant. Enrique denies any involvement and claims that he last saw the gun in Michael's office. Claudia tells Michael that she believes that Enrique shot Grant. Michael doesn't think so but Claudia informs her that Enrique comes from a family of killers. Curtis drops by James' office and begins telling him that he isn't treating Maggie respectfully. James is annoyed that Maggie would share details of her life with Curtis and throws him out. Sheila begins rubbing the birthing methods of childbirth in Maggie's face. Maggie flips and tells her that once she gives birth she will never see the child again. James comes home, has Sheila leave and then lays into Maggie. (
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