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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  11x10 Suivant
Ep. #2515
Diffusé le : 04/04/1997
Enrique is angered when he finds Megan putting together a return party for Grant. Michael questions Enrique about why he was wearing gloves the night of the shooting. Thorne is equally angry about the party but decides to attend to represent his family. After hearing that Eric won't be there, Lauren decides to go to. Brooke believes that Grant should take more time off to recover before returning to work. He insists on going so Brooke goes with him and Grant is touched by the the employees celebration to welcome him back. Grant later makes love with Brooke in his office. The investigator, Hunter Jones, meets Ridge and they begin working on the case together. (
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