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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  11x06 Suivant
Ep. #2511
Diffusé le : 31/03/1997
Darla states that Clarke was the last person to see Grant before he was shot. Fearing the Forresters will make him a scapegoat, Darla, Clarke, Sally and Macy all make a pact never to mention that Clarke was in Forrester Creations that night. Brooke seeks advice from James. James tells her that all the stress Ridge went through because of Grant, could have forced him into an emotional state, enough to go as far as shooting Grant. Sheila later comes by and tells James that she has signed them both up for Lamaze classes. Ridge orders Grant to clear his name, but Grant only taunts him from his bed. Security bursts in, Ridge is arrested and thrown back in jail. (
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