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Blue Water High
(Blue Water High Surf Academy)
 1x01 Suivant
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Diffusé le : 11/05/2005
Blue Water High is the ultimate teenage adventure in the ultimate teenage environment. Beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, long sunny days. The cafe spills onto the streets, the streets spill onto the foreshore and the music spills across everything. And smack in the middle of this paradise is a high performance surf academy where every year, seven talented teenagers are selected for an intensive, twelve month residential surfing and schooling program. Some have focused for years to get there. Others have coasted in with the natural confidence of those who know they're born to succeed. But once these kids walk through the door, everyone is on a level playing field and facing the same challenges. They know that Blue Water High will determine where they go and what they become. And for two very exceptional students, the year will form the launching pad to the world of their dreams — to surf the pro circuit. (
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