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Trailer Park Boys
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Hearts of Dartmouth: Life of a Trailer Park Girl
Diffusé le : 05/03/2006
Hearts of Dartmouth is an hour-long documentary that offers unlimited access behind the tightly closed doors of Trailer Park Boys, the show that has captured the hearts of a continually expanding international fan base. The doc eschews self-congratulations and instead will ask if a small group of passionate people armed with irreverence and a strong distrust of authority can change the face of television production - and if so, at what price? Directed by Annemarie Cassidy, a TPB crew member and wife of Trailer Park Boys creator/director Mike Clattenburg, Hearts of Dartmouth will offer a brutally honest yet intimate and personal look into the world and people who create Trailer Park Boys. However, Annemarie does not interview cast members, honouring the Trailer Park Boy mockumentary myth to never show a cast member out of character. Instead, she has spent hours piecing the TPB story together by interviewing the creators of this hit show - the people behind the scenes who struggle to get this groundbreaking series to air. (
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