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(Rick Hunter)
Précédent  3x07 Suivant
True Confessions
Diffusé le : 22/11/1986
When Jeffrey Wyatt, Robert Kephart, and Philip Epperson are involved in the drugging and rape of a young woman, Rhonda Burke, Hunter and McCall have to investigate the woman's grief-stricken older sister, who is furious when the three young men are acquited on a technicality...a young officer did not read them the Miranda warning before Jeffrey Wyatt confessed. Hunter maintains his suspicions of Sheila, even though he sympathizes with her frustration and continually advises her to plead insanity. McCall is convinced of the woman's innocence, and turns her attention to the older brother of one of the victims, David Kephart, who will be in charge of a sizable fortune with his younger half-brother Robert out of the way. When first Epperson then Kephart are shot and killed, Wyatt isn't sure who to turn to...and ends up trusting the wrong person. (
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