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The Untouchables
(Les Incorruptibles)
Précédent  4x27 Suivant
The Jazz Man
Diffusé le : 30/04/1963
During the blistering summer of 1931, Ness and his men are working tirelessly against both the illicit whiskey and the narcotics that are flooding the city. One morning, a despondent Capt. Jim Johnson visits Ness in his office; Capt. Johnson had been on a raid that netted 50 dope addicts-- one of them was his son Buz. Ness talks to Buz behind bars. Buz cooperates, and says he got the powder from a pusher named Peepers (so-named because he always wears shades); Ness gets Buz released. Peepers, meanwhile, is awaiting a big shipment of narcotics from Sal Rudin, alias ""Mr. Big."" Later, Agent Lee Hobson traces Peepers to where he's staying, at the Viking Hotel. Ness and Lee see Peepers carrying a small case of dope-- Peepers fires his gun at them; Ness shoots back, killing him. Searching Peepers' apartment, they find out that Artie Tresh, a bass violin player working at the Club 88, also lives there. They go to the Club 88, and meet the owner, Sal Rudin. When Ness says he wants to t (
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