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The Untouchables
(Les Incorruptibles)
Précédent  4x07 Suivant
The Eddie O'Gara Story
Diffusé le : 13/11/1962
Chicago. Right after the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. (February 14, 1929.) Ness and his men are scouring Chicago, looking for Bugs Moran.  Ness says there used to be 2 gangs in town, now there's just one.  Ness figures if they get to Moran first, maybe he'll talk-- he might just be mad enough to give them the information they need. Someone else looking for Moran is Eddie O'Gara, a small-time hood who has been on the run for the past 3 years; he's decided to come home. Eddie's brother Vince, a trolley driver, isn't happy to see him; but Eddie's mom welcomes him back with open arms. Eddie finds Moran at his old hideout: a big storage room in the lakefront Midway.  But Moran is ready to blast him; O'Gara was a punk until Moran made him a highly-paid gangster, and 3 years ago Eddie double-crossed him.  Eddie fast-talks his way out of it.  Moran has lots of money, but no gang; Eddie can get him a new gang, but he'll need lots of money.  So they decide to work together-- but Moran warns (
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