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The Untouchables
(Les Incorruptibles)
Précédent  1x13 Suivant
Syndicate Sanctuary
Diffusé le : 07/01/1960
(No date given, but probably 1932 which was a presidential election year.) 30 miles from Chicago, the (fictitious) Calum City; population: 10,000.  Judge Leon Zabo is running for mayor, to clean up the town.  Working hard in his campaign headquarters is his lovely daughter, Rosetta Zabo.  Judge Zabo tried to put an end to vice, graft and corruption; in the last 6 months, he had closed down 110 bars, clubs and gambling casinos in the notorious Barbary Coast district.  Late at night, Judge Zabo takes a taxi home; driver Joe Donato makes it a point to tell him the right door is stuck, and he has to use the left door.  In front of Zabo's house, Donato again tells him to use the left door, which opens to the street side.  A car driven by gangster Harry Mauldin runs the judge over. Ness and his men are on the case.  With Capone in prison, and a crime crackdown in Chicago, the Syndicate is looking for another city to make its headquarters for the nationwide narcotics racket: Ness knows they (
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