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The Doctor Blake Mysteries
Précédent  1x01 Suivant
Still Waters
Diffusé le : 01/02/2013
When a young woman’s body is found floating in Lake Wendouree, Dr Blake can’t help digging deeper into the mystery. There is more to the case than meets the eye. Blake is certain the deceased girl - a runaway from the local reform school - was dead before she was dumped in the water. The autopsy proves his theory but finding the killer is more complicated. As the murder case unfolds, Chief Superintendent Lawson seems certain the local teenage rebels and the burgeoning drug trade in pills are to blame. Dr Blake senses some sort of connection and he pieces together the puzzle in his own unconventional way by bluffing his way into the reform school to question the ‘bad’ girls, and then later swallowing illicit pills to determine their content. In a classic whodunit, Dr Blake sifts through suspects including the young male teacher at the girls’ reformatory, Pip Morrissey and local hoon Ricky Arnott, before revealing the culprit.. (
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