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Power Rangers
Précédent  7x05 Suivant
Diffusé le : 06/03/1999
A young boy named Matthew is discovered to have stowed away on Terra Venture, and desires nothing but to return to Earth, even resorting to sabotage. He strikes up a bond with Damon, who also has a family he misses back home. When the Gasser monster puts the entire space colony to sleep to allow Furio to take over the vessel, it's Matthew to the rescue. The Rangers have their hands full, first with Stingwingers flanking Terra Venture in outer space, which they deal with using their new Jet Jammer vehicles, and then with Gasser, whose sleep gas ends up turning the Galactabeasts to stone! Is this the end for Terra Venture, or is there a Megazordic secret ability within the Rangers' recently-aquired Transdaggers? (
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