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Extreme Ghostbusters
(Extrême Ghostbusters)
Précédent  1x38 Suivant
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Diffusé le : 04/12/1997
Peter's vaction in Hudson Bay is rudely interrupted when a new ghost emerges in the waters of the city, that's at least 2 miles wide, and 4 miles across. The EGBs and RGBs find out that it's a sort of, baby Bermuda Triangle. They try two times to stop it with all their proton energy combined. They manage to drive it back and weaken it, but they do little in the way of stopping it. As it starts to invade the city, and even manages to devour the Twin Towers, Roland reveals the Ecto 3 and 4. A giant truck with an extra large Proton Gun on top, and a garbage truck transfered into a trap. They ""corner "" the entity, and manage to stop it once and for all, and both the Extreme Ghostbusters and the Real Ghostbusters have Thanksgiving dinner together. (
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