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Ed, Edd n' Eddy
(Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Précédent  6x04
The Eds Are Coming, The Eds Are Coming
Diffusé le : 11/05/2007
Jimmy dreams that an alien space ship invades the cul-de-sac and carries it away. After Jimmy wakes up, it appears that his dream is coming true when Jonny states to the kids that aliens have invaded the cul-de-sac and are at Rolf's house. No one but Jimmy believes him at first, but shortly after Jonny's announcement, a meteor/egg launches from Rolf's chimney and it hatches, leading everyone to believe the tale that Jonny has told them. It is up to the kids of the cul-de-sac to save their pal and drive the aliens away. (
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