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Franklin à la plage
Diffusé le : 24/07/2000
It's a fun day at the beach for Franklin and Bear. Looking for fun, they find some seashells. Franklin tells Bear that if he holds one up to his ear, he can hear the ocean. But Bear can't hear anything, as the real ocean is drowning it out. They decide to use the shells as part of a sandcastle they're making. They make a wonderful sandcastle and go off to do some other things. While they're gone, two crabs come along. They wreck the castle and take all the shells. When Franklin and Bear return, they're mad that their castle has been wrecked. They notice that whoever took their shells left footprints. They follow them and reclaim the shells where the crabs left them. As Franklin and Bear leave, the crabs are indignant. How dare Franklin and Bear take their shells. Franklin and Bear make a new castle and agree that it's even better than the first one. They go off again and once again the crabs come for the shells. This time, though, they cover up their tracks by dusting them. Franklin and Bear return and are upset once again that their castle has been destroyed. The thieves may not have left any footprints this time, but Franklin and Bear know where their hideout is. They'll find them! The two crabs hide in a log, but they blow their cover and Franklin and Bear reclaim the shells. This time, they decide to take the shells someplace where the crabs can't get to them, like an island. There happens to be one not so far away from the beach, so they head there. While they're not looking, the crabs follow them. They're heading to the island too, as they can swim perfectly well. On the island, the crabs continue following Franklin and Bear. But then, one of them falls into a crevice. He's stuck! The other crab tries to rescue him, but is unable. Franklin and Bear overhear the commotion and realize that they're in trouble. Although still mad at them for taking their shells, Franklin and Bear agree that if someone's in trouble, you have to help them. They rescue the crab. The (
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