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(Degrassi, nouvelle génération)
(Degrassi: The Next Generation)
Précédent  10x21 Suivant
La pilule du bonheur [1/2]
Diffusé le : 23/08/2010
Fiona becomes stressed when she has to record her testimony against Bobby, and self-medicates by drinking champagne, rather than taking the prescription her therapist gave her. Initially Holly J. is worried that this will affect the parent's decision on a Vegas teamed school dance, but the theme goes ahead. After a good date with Zane, Anya again asks Riley when he is going to come out. He decides to run for king and queen for the upcoming school dance, but when the nomination list is released before the last football game, he decides to confirm his sexuality with his teammates, and Drew defends him in the following harassment. Meanwhile, Adam is feeling rejected by Eli, now that Eli is in a relationship with Clare. Adam decides to befriend Fitz despite Eli and Clare's warnings. (
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