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Kötü Kan
(Dark Legacy)
 1x01 Suivant
Episode 1
Diffusé le : 06/09/2024
Kartal is a former police officer who works as the security manager of a nightclub. One night, when an underage girl dies in the club, he is confronted with the fact that things are not as they seem. The same night, he receives news of the death of his mother-in-law, who was looking after his two children. Aside from the excitement of finally being reunited with his children, the confrontation with them, who blame Kartal for their mother's death, makes him nervous. As Kartal is tracking the causes of the deaths in the club, he finds himself at the center of a terrible spiral of betrayal and becomes the target of Fevzi Kaya, one of the most dangerous names in the illegitimate world. As if that wasn't enough, Kartal's estranged father, retired superintendent Burhan, has returned to the house like a judge questioning everything Kartal does. As Kartal struggles to protect his children from this chaos he is drawn into, he will face difficult dilemmas that fate only deems fit for heroes. (
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