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Freezing (2011)
Précédent  1x12 Suivant
Stallizer contre Pandora
Diffusé le : 07/04/2011
Milena is stopped by Chiffon and Ticy from approaching Maria's body. Meanwhile, Cassie shoots an energy beam at Satellizer but Ganessa sacrifices her life to shield her. Traumatized from Ganessa's death who considers Satellizer her comrade, Satellizer goes berserk and turns into Nova Form where she brutally beats Cassie, cutting both her arms and ripping off her infected Stigma. Free from Nova control, Cassie begs Satellizer to kill her but she is stopped by Kazuya, who manages to hold her back and calm her, which turns her back to normal. With Ganessa revealed to have survived and Milena defeated, the Pandoras believe it is over, but the last remaining Nova uses Milena's Stigma as a beacon to teleport into Ravensborne Nucleotide, forcing Satellizer, Lana, Ingrid, Cleo, Arnett, Attia, Elizabeth, Chiffon and Ticy to fight it. However, the Nova uses Cassie's infected Stigma to infect Satellizer into a Nova Form and uses her to cast a powerful Freezing ability to stop the Pandoras as it goes after Maria's body. Hearing her cries for help, Kazuya activates his Freezing on Satellizer and thanks to Kazuha's spirit, she breaks free of the Nova's control and stops its Freezing which finally allows the Pandoras to finish off the Nova. After recovering and returning to East Genetics, Cassie, influenced by both Kazuya and Satellizer's ideals, tells Milena that she decided to join the Chevaliers and still be a novelist. And with her change of personality, the other Pandoras comment how much Satellizer has changed thanks to Kazuya. In the epilogue, Sister Margaret has a talk with a "Professor Aoi" over the Stigmata as a double-edged sword, but he warns the fight with the Nova is far from over. (
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