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Freezing (2011)
Précédent  1x09 Suivant
La déesse rapide de l'Est
Diffusé le : 05/03/2011
Kazuya is invited to East Genetics Academy to meet the #1 ranked third-year Pandora, Cassie Lockheart, who possesses Stigmata from his late sister, Kazuha. Despite her potential, she explains she plans to retire after graduating to become a novelist. As Kazuya returns home, Sister Margaret reveals that Satellizer also possesses six of Kazuha's Stigmata, but showed little compatibility with them. Cassie reveals to her teacher Milena that the reason she doesn't want to join the Chevaliers, the Pandora elite, was because she was there when Satellizer attacked the playboy Limiter when she was still a student at East Genetics, and Satellizer's resolve to never give up no matter how many times Cassie put her down made her scared and realize how weak she was. Just then, East Genetics is attacked by a group of Type S Nova who exhibit abilities that have never been seen before, overwhelming the students and absorbing some of the Pandoras, including Cassie and Milena. Meanwhile, Satellizer overhears Kazuya talking with Arthur and Kaho, believing that Kazuya only chose her because she reminded him of his sister.  (
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