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Freezing (2011)
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
Diffusé le : 12/02/2011
Lana enrolls into Satellizer's class where she is shown to be a formidable fighter when she defeats Ganessa during a practice bout. Despite being warned, Lana makes her moves on Kazuya, hoping to make him her partner much to Satellizer's jealousy. Arthur and Kaho continue to warn Kazuya not to be with Satellizer after telling him how she was held back a year and expelled from East Genetics for seriously injuring a Limiter who was a playboy. Later, Attia lies to Lana that Satellizer hasn't performed a baptism with Kazuya as she is only using him for his Freezing powers, which Lana brings Satellizer to a training facility where they fight over who should be Kazuya's partner. After a brutal fight, Kazuya intervenes to clarifty Lana about his relationship with Satellizer but Attia, along with two other third-years, Arnett McMillan and Cleo Brand, arrives.  (
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