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Freezing (2011)
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
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Diffusé le : 22/01/2011
After introducing himself to his class and having lunch with class representative Kaho Hiiragi, Kazuya spots Satellizer and decides to apologize to her.properly He finds her on the rooftop, and through their conversations, he is glad to find that she is a shy and nice person. Both Arthur and Kaho are shocked to find that Kazuya can talk to her normally. However, third-year Pandora Miyabi and her three Limiters arrive and Miyabi wants to make Kazuya her newest Limiter, but when he rejects her offer, she threatens Kazuya, which prompts Satellizer to raise her weapon against Miyabi. As the two Pandoras fight, Miyabi uses Accelerating Turn to increase her speed, but she is surprised to learn that Satellizer can also use Accelerating Turn. After taking a strike to her face, which angers her, Miyabi orders her Limiters to freeze both Kazuya and Satellizer and beat them. As Miyabi and her Limiters humiliate and sexually harass Satellizer, Kazuya activates his Freezing powers to stop them. By the time Yumi, Eliza and Chiffon arrive to stop the fight, Satellizer has brutally beaten Miyabi and her Limiters and is about to deliver a deadly blow when Kazuya pleads with her to stop, which she does. As Yumi and Eliza learn the secrets of Kazuya's abilities, Chiffon warns him again to stay away from Satellizer because she is now the target of the other third-years, who do not take lightly of those who disrespect the Academy's hierarchy. At the same time, Attia Simmons informs Ingrid Bernstein of what just happened.  (
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