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Los Ricos También Lloran (2022)
(Les riches pleurent aussi)
(The Rich Also Cry)
Précédent  1x12 Suivant
C12: Tu vida pende de un hilo
Diffusé le : 08/03/2022
Mariana worries that Luis Alberto has not arrived for her and calls him. Soraya confesses that the pregnancy problem will not get in the way of her plans to marry Luis Alberto, who arrives at night and is afraid to talk to Mariana. Osvaldo tells León that Manuel's body has been found and plans have gone as planned. Luis Alberto arrives for breakfast and everyone is worried to see how he looked, Alberto suspects that he is still gambling and they argue. Luis Alberto receives a threat to pay off his debt. Luis Alberto realizes that his father canceled all his credit cards. Luis Alberto asks Uriel for a loan to pay off his debt; Mariana overhears them. Soraya assures Patricia that now that she betrayed her she will make her life a living hell and tries to run over Felipe. Mariana follows Luis Alberto to the casino. Osvaldo convinces Luis Alberto to gamble again. Despite his promises, Mariana finds Luis Alberto gambling. (
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