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Los Ricos También Lloran (2022)
(Les riches pleurent aussi)
(The Rich Also Cry)
Précédent  1x08 Suivant
C8: Ya me enamoré de él
Diffusé le : 02/03/2022
Mariana suffers a crisis and Luis Alberto manages to calm her down by dancing to her favorite song, she sees that he is not a bad person and tells him that with the death of her godmother she was left alone in the world. Mariana assures Alberto that his son is a good person and makes a request. Alberto and Elena meet at the cemetery and both remember how well their children got along. Matilde inquires about Mariana. Mariana confesses to Britney that she fell in love with Luis Alberto, but nothing can exist between them since he is soon to become a father. Luis Alberto takes Soraya to the hospital so that the doctor can perform an ultrasound. (
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