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Los Ricos También Lloran (2022)
(Les riches pleurent aussi)
(The Rich Also Cry)
Précédent  1x02 Suivant
C2: Destruyes todo lo que tocas
Diffusé le : 22/02/2022
Mariana sees Luis Alberto's attitude and it becomes clear to her that he is a man of few manners. León is ready to finish off Alberto after staying with Daniela. Mariana continues to get to know the Salvatierra family. Soraya arrives at the Salvatierra mansion and meets Mariana, Luis Alberto informs her that it was her who saved his father. Daniela makes it clear that she is upset that Mariana is living with them. Alberto learns what Alfonso Romano did to Mariana. Daniela finds out that Mariana, besides living in the house, is also going to work in the presidency of the company and demands Alberto to get rid of her. When Alberto learns of his son's intentions, he asks him to stay away from Mariana. (
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