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(Golden Boy)
Précédent  3x05 Suivant
Episode 75
Diffusé le : 11/10/2024
The unexpected encounter between Seyran and Ferit intensifies their relationships with Diyar and Sinan while also pushing them to make significant decisions. Diyar expects Ferit to make a final choice between Seyran and himself, while Sinan wants Seyran to take the step that will make their marriage a reality. As Seyran tries to keep her emotions in check, Ferit experiences a stormy confrontation regarding his future with Diyar; he must choose between starting a clean slate with Diyar or continuing the past with Seyran. Abidin, who is faced with dark secrets from his past, is determined to take his revenge. The Korhans are now awaiting a war they could never have anticipated. As the number and power of their enemies continue to grow, they have no choice but to unite. (
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