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(Golden Boy)
Précédent  3x02 Suivant
Episode 75
Diffusé le : 20/09/2024
An unexpected encounter at the wedding causes Ferit and Seyran's feelings to resurface. Seyran attempts to play the role of happiness, which is not easy for Ferit to tolerate. Sinan, who perceives Ferit's emergence as a threat, becomes increasingly aggressive in his relationship with Seyran. A seemingly coincidental encounter further escalates the tension between the two. Suna embarks on a dangerous endeavor to prevent a big secret from being revealed. Ferit, who brings the Korhans to life with his drawings, finds himself on the brink of destruction after the recent events regarding Seyran. While this development puts the Korhans in a difficult situation, a helping hand comes from someone unexpected. Sinan and Seyran are on the verge of a big decision, but someone who was not in the plan makes a move that surprises everyone. (
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