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(Golden Boy)
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Episode 72
Diffusé le : 31/05/2024
Orhan's death deeply shakes the Korhan family, leaving Ferit, who feels a profound disappointment for not receiving the reaction he expected from his grandfather, in great despair. Seyran, who blames herself for the deaths of Fuat and Orhan, feels immense guilt for believing she has harmed Ferit and his family. Ifakat, receiving an unexpected offer from Halis Ağa, is overjoyed by this development. Seyran, who tries to hide her illness from Ferit, is shocked when someone unexpectedly learns this secret. Feeling the need to be strong in order to avenge his father and protect his loved ones, Ferit makes an important decision and seeks help from Count Ziya. However, this new path he is about to embark on may require him to give up everything he holds dear when push comes to shove. (
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