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Précédent  1x22
Remember When
Diffusé le : 03/06/2002
After bringing in another escapee after some tests, Cole determines a way to zap all of the remaining prisoners off Earth and back to Sartop at the same time by remote. However, one of the currently held lifeforces is contaminating the process, and he and Mel desperately try to determine which one before the wormhole closes. Things get complicated when Cole is zapped by an energy burst and loses his memory. He gets it back with some prodding from Mel, and they identify the ""contaminated"" lifeforce just in time and get rid of every remaining prisoner on Earth. Cole goes back, his mission completed. But then he returns, realizing his home is on Earth with Mel. But as they celebrate, we see the display screen show all the fugitive prisoners reappearing all over the U.S. (
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