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Resurrection Blvd.
Précédent  1x11 Suivant
Diffusé le : 28/08/2000
This episode is dedicated to all the American casualties of war, both living and deceased. Ruben receives a letter from Charles Adams, an army soldier he served with in Vietnam. He is dying and Ruben immediately leaves to spend the last days of his life with him at the veterans hospital. At his insistence, Miguel allows Salvador to repair the steam room at the gym and later extends a dinner invitation as a gesture of appreciation. Alex continues to intimately indulge with Toni, neglecting to notify the family of his whereabouts. Carlos continues to train for his return to the boxing ring, much to Roberto's discouragement. At dinner, Roberto rudely objects to Salvador's presence and the family soon becomes aware of Ruben's absence. Roberto appreciates Salvador's and Bibi's involvement in the exhaustive and emotionally passionate search for Ruben. (
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