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Hot Ones [US]
(Hot Ones)
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The Umbrella Academy's Tom Hopper vs. Robert Sheehan
Diffusé le : 14/08/2024
Tom Hopper and Robert Sheehan show off their superhuman abilities as Luther and Klaus on Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy. But today these friends and co-stars have two options: Tell the truth, or suffer the wrath of the Last Dab. Whoever eats the most wings, loses! From the props Robert stole from set to what they’ll miss most about working together, these mates will need to be honest, or go head-to-head with the Wings of Death! Can Tom say three nice things about his rugby rivals? Will Robert keep his composure while Tom licks his face? Tune in to an all-new episode of Hot Ones Versus, and find out who takes home the golden chicken wing trophy! (
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