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Cleopatra 2525
Précédent  2x05 Suivant
Reality Check
Diffusé le : 06/11/2000
Cleopatra, Hel, and Sarge participate in a Bailey attack at a virtual reality lab. After the simulation, the three emerge from their VR tubes and join Mauser and an old scientist. Two Betrayers invade the lab and Cleopatra is shot in the face. Suddenly, Cleopatra wakes up in bed and fumbling for the light. She hears a familiar voice and realizes it's her old boyfriend Johnny, who died 500 years ago. Convinced she's dreaming, Cleopatra refuses to believe that she's back in the year 2001. But Johnny explains that between her surgery and medication, 2525 was just a hallucination. Trusting her boyfriend, the two passionately reunite. Meanwhile at the lab, Hel sees that Cleopatra is still suspended in her VR tube. Sarge and Hel realize that Cleopatra is trapped in a virtual reality world and Mauser sends them in to save her. Hel and Sarge soon find themselves standing in a street Two police officers surround them, but Hel and Sarge steal their uniforms and weapons. They soon realize they're (
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