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Cleopatra 2525
Précédent  2x03 Suivant
Brain Drain
Diffusé le : 16/10/2000
Voice sends Hel, Sarge and Cleopatra to a bar to retrieve Jensen Manning, an important Bailey researcher. When they arrive, the team finds Manning standing on the bar, shouting like a madman. Voice soon sends a Confessor, a futuristic shrink, to talk Manning down. Manning suddenly goes into convulsions and dies. An electronic parasite slithers from his mouth and forces its way down the Confessor's throat. The team fends off a group of Betrayers trying to get a hold of the Confessor and return to the lab. Mauser puts the Confessor in a healing tube and runs a full medical diagnostic. They learn that the parasite is a Bailey-engineered data retrieval unit that is downloading everything in the Confessor's brain, which explains why the Betrayers wanted him so badly. The Confessor convulses and dies and the parasite exits his mouth to look for new host. The bug breaks out of the healing tube and invades Hel... The Betrayers from the bar find the lab, but Sarge secures the area before they c (
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