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To Have and Have Not
Diffusé le : 22/11/2003
While Mike is more than willing to assist Jamie in turning a teenage friend away from prostitution, Liz is much less sympathetic to her plight until Jamie convinces her that the privileged upbringing he and the girl shared is no protection against pain; continuing to mentor Cal, Marcellus strikes a bargain with a loan shark to arrest his competition on the street in exchange for his releasing Cal from his crew; Mike walks on eggshells in the face of Liz's anger; after Liz manages to get Cal out of the shelter and into a foster home, Deborah agrees to let him stay at the Washington house until his foster placement goes through even though things are very much strained between her and Marcellus; Mike, Marcellus and Liz use their individual talents to get Jamie's friend out of the hands of her pimp and into the arms of her parents. (
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