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Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey
(All About Marriage)
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Episode 10
Diffusé le : 23/11/2021
Azra does not let go of Jale, who is trying to kidnap her son. Coming to the end of the road, Jale proves that there is no limit to her evil. Although Çolpan and Yıldırım, whose plans are turned upside down with the arrival of Erman, try to tidy up the situation, it will not be that easy. This will cause other troubles for them. Deeply shaken by what Selçuk and Eylül said at the trial, Ural rejects the possibility that Alina is not his own daughter. Sanem, on the other hand, tries to convince Ural to have a DNA test done quickly so that they can be prepared for the paternity lawsuit that Selçuk will open. Having survived the pressure of Koray, Jale begins to experience a free life years later. Koray, who lost the first round, has already started making plans for revenge. He goes in search of a very strong lawyer who will defeat Azra. Thus, Neyran Çelik is included in our lives. What Koray does not know is that Neyran has a past account to be seen with Azra and Yıldırım. (
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