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The Ellen Show
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
Muskrat Love (a.k.a. Raccoon Guy)
Diffusé le : 26/10/2001
Faced with what could be raccoons digging up their front lawn, Ellen calls a raccoon guy to get rid of the problem. Dot, on the other hand, thinks she can take care of the problem herself by scaring the raccoons away with her high-pitched singing. The raccoon guy decides to camp in the lawn, and Ellen discovers Rusty making the holes. Turns out he was just trying to find the time capsule he buried so the raccoon guy wouldn't find it. He made the capsule as a love proof to Ellen, his old high school crush, and just dug it out to show Ellen that he too can do crazy things for love, just like Tug, one of the students who fell for Ellen. But Ellen assures Rusty that they're nothing more than just good friends. (
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