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No Activity: Honjitsu mo Ijou Nashi
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(No Activity - 本日も異状なし -)
Précédent  1x05 Suivant
There is Something Wrong
Diffusé le : 17/12/2021
Tokita and Shiina return to the warehouse at the stakeout site to recover the lost gun. In the warehouse were Ichijo, Mari, who returned with Yakuza Yamakura for a drug transaction. The dying Yamakura threatens Iwayama to make a deal instead. Meanwhile, Misato is sighing in the radio control room. Azora left her resignation and disappeared. I had an awkward conversation with Sato who came as a replacement, but this man was a ridiculous man. Around that time, Azora heads to a certain place to discuss her concerns. And, as the drug transaction is imminent, a big incident occurs in the warehouse ... (
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