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No Activity: Honjitsu mo Ijou Nashi
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(No Activity - 本日も異状なし -)
Précédent  1x04 Suivant
Unpredictable Pinch
Diffusé le : 17/12/2021
Tokita and Shiina rush into the warehouse when they hear a gunshot from the warehouse. But no one is inside anymore. Tokita finds a blood stain on the floor and tries to decide that he hasn't seen it, but Shiina finds out. Tokita was severely pursued by his boss Ariyoshi because he lost his gun. On the other hand, Iwayama, Ichijo, and Mari escaped from the warehouse with the yakuza Yamakura who accidentally shot. Shiina encounters Kaori, an instructor who was visiting under the guidance of a new police officer, and is involved in troublesome things. Misato tries to say goodbye to her cheating partner while Azora, after work, sets out to investigate to find evidence of Misato's husband's cheating. (
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