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No Activity: Honjitsu mo Ijou Nashi
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(No Activity - 本日も異状なし -)
Précédent  1x02 Suivant
What You Don't Want to Lose
Diffusé le : 17/12/2021
Tokita and Shiina are in the process of drug trading. There is no movement in the case yet. Report "no abnormality" to the investigation headquarters. Tokita and Shiina are bored and fantasize about what kind of woman they are, just by the voice of a newcomer, Akira, in the wireless communication room. On the other hand, Misato of the wireless liaison room discovers a violent side to Akira, who seems to be an adult one after another, and is careful not to offend her. However, Misato learns a big secret from Azora ... Ichijo and Ichijo, who are watching Mari abducted in the warehouse, are confused when they learn about Mari's amazing desires. Ichijo, who is interested in crime, tries to give something that he wants to stimulate Iwayama more. Around that time, Tokita, who was staking out, realized that he had lost something. The drug trade was going on without anyone knowing ... (
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