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(The Agency)
Précédent  1x19 Suivant
Diffusé le : 03/01/2021
Although the romantic moment between Barış and Dicle may seem like a new beginning for them, their job is not so easy. While Kıraç tries to digest the news he heard on New Year's Eve, Serkan immediately starts a new era in Ego Agency. While Feris and Kıraç try to unravel an old resentment between an actor and a director, Dicle makes a surprising exit. After this move of Dicle, things get into a deadlock and the price of this will be heavy for Ego Agency. Emir must make a choice in the face of an offer that will change his whole life. While Kıraç's mysterious past with Serkan follows him step by step, Kıraç finally decides to face the biggest mistake of his life. Kıraç's confession shocks everyone in Ego and leaves Dicle in a very difficult situation. (
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