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Précédent  6x22
Paying the Piper
Diffusé le : 14/05/2001
Niecy wants to share an apartment with Moesha over the summer because she can't afford the rent. Then Hakeem wants Moesha to move in with him since Jerome is going away to clown college. Moesha can't decide what to do about Hakeem's proposal and asks her roommates for advice, which they give freely. As everyone prepares to leave their suite, they admit they'll miss each other. Jerome becomes too emotional and retreats to the bathroom. Soon after, he returns with a positive pregnancy test in his hand. Elsewhere, Dorian gives Myles a tour around the recording studio when his former acquaintance, Lamont, arrives with his girlfriend, Diamond. Since Lamont helped Dorian out the night he spent in jail, he wants a half interest in Dorian's band, ""What!."" Dorian refuses and Lamont says he understands. Later, Lamont and his sidekick, Big Norm, visit Dorian and reiterate their demands for half of ""What!."" When Dorian refuses again, Lamont becomes even more threatening. Meanwhile, Hakeem still wa (
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