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The Steve Harvey Show
Précédent  4x04 Suivant
Little Stevie Blunder
Diffusé le : 15/10/1999
Steve pretends to be blind to impress a woman, and Bullethead enters the Miss Booker T. beauty pageant in the hopes of winning a new computer. Meanwhile, Lovita wants to know what's in a locked metal box she found in Cedric's closet. - - - Following a visit to the optometrist, Steve must wear dark glasses to protect his sensitive eyes. As a result, a lovely realtor, Ava, who's showing the apartment across the hall, mistakes him for being blind. And when she is enamored with his courage in the face of his disability, Steve doesn't do anything to dissuade her. Meanwhile, a locked box Cedric keeps inside his closet has Lovita curious and upset. When Bullethead enters the Miss Booker T. beauty pageant hoping to win a new computer, Lydia doesn't appreciate the additional competition, warning him to drop out. When Ava shows up at the school to see Regina, she goes on and on about a blind man for whom she's fallen. Realizing she's Regina's close friend, Steve makes a quick exit out the wind (
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