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The Steve Harvey Show
Précédent  1x14 Suivant
African-American Me
Diffusé le : 02/02/1997
On his way to play the piano at regina's church, Steve gets arrested and thrown in jail with Cedric. - - - Steve lets Regina down by failing to proofread the school's newsletter before it is printed. Remorseful, Steve must find a way to make amends. When her church pianist runs off on the eve of a performance, he offers to fill in. Yet, unwilling to trust him, Regina refuses and continues looking for someone else. Making matters worse, Cedric is angry with Steve because he won't share the apartment's lone parking space. After his 15th parking ticket, Cedric waits for Steve to move his car, then parks in the space. Unwilling to give it up, Cedric is reduced to walking, cabs and public transportation. Meanwhile, as part of a social studies project, the students pair off in a marriage experiment. Romeo is matched with Sara and Bullethead with Sophia. Desperate for a pianist, Regina finally asks Steve to cover at the church. He agrees. As Steve leaves for the church, only then does h (
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