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Perry Mason
Précédent  9x24 Suivant
The Case of the Fanciful Frail
Diffusé le : 27/03/1966
Things keep going from awful to good grief for poor Ethel Andrews. First she's left at the altar by her fiancee, Bruce Strickland, who also let's her take the blame for a $50,000.00 securities theft since her signature was on the transfer authorization. Ethel decides to leave town but nearly has an accident with a car driven by Peggy Sutton. Peggy, it seems, is on the run from a hired killer. Ethel foolishly agrees to swap identities with Peggy but then Peggy perishes in a car accident. Ethel then finds $50,000.00 in the trunk of Peggy's car and makes the mistake of informing Bruce Strickland who turns up murdered. Perry sends Paul Drake up to Lake Tahoe to find out about Peggy Sutton but it might be too late because the noose is getting pretty tight around poor Ethel's neck. (
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