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Laverne & Shirley
Précédent  7x10 Suivant
I Do, I Don't
Diffusé le : 05/01/1982
Shirley tries to get Carmine to marry her after she is provided with a free wedding reception. Shirley talks Laverne into going to a promotional evening for brides to be. When she gets there, she discovers that a woman who has paid for an all frills wedding has to cancel, and she tells the organizer to give her wedding package to the next needy soul. Shirley promptly tells the woman that she is the needy soul she's looking for. Now that Shirley has a free wedding coming, she needs to talk Carmine into proposing to her. She tricks Carmine into asking her back at her flat and then rushes him out the door and says she'll meet him later at the hotel where the wedding ceremony will take place. Later when Laverne and Shirley and her two best men (Lenny and Squiggy) arrive at the hotel, the vicar is waiting along with all the guests and there's no Carmine. This prompts Laverne and Lenny and Squiggy to break into a few choruses of "Lullaby of Broadway". (
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