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New Tricks
(Flics Toujours)
Précédent  4x05 Suivant
Diffusé le : 07/05/2007
The team reinvestigates the 1950s murder of a young wages clerk at Battersea Power Station. Richard Dunne was hanged for Frederick Tully's murder, but his granddaughter, Hannah, is waging a campaign to have Dunne posthumously pardoned. The discovery of a suitcase containing used fivers in the attic of the Tully home sheds new light on the case, revealing a possible blackmail plot. A trace on the used fivers reveals that they should have been destroyed in the Battersea Power Station furnaces back in the 1950s, but were actually being saved by Douglas Murray, a friend of Tully's. It also becomes clear that the Battersea furnaces were being used to destroy other sensitive documents as well as used bank notes. When the team discovers a classified document relating to a massacre of civilians carried out by the British Army in Kenya, they uncover a blackmail plot spanning more than 50 years. (
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