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Précédent  1x08 Suivant
Le guet-apens de Torus
Diffusé le : 05/03/2005
Tired of having their supply lines constantly ambushed by the rebels, Phobos and Cedric start a rumor that the Seal of Phobos has been found in order to flush out the spy. The seal of Phobos is an artifact much like the Heart of Candracar in that it can open up places like the Infinite City or The Veil. Caleb, who is stuck on Earth after trying to use a portal without telling the Guardians where it is, hears the false rumor and falls for it, eventually getting captured by a living quicksand pit at Torus Filney. Meanwhile, the girls are faced with the prospect of having to perform a play based on a myth of their choice thanks to Hay Lin's non-consentual group sign-up. The girls choose the origin story of the Heart and subsequently their powers but before the curtain can go up, Grandma tells them about Caleb's disappearance and capture. Stuck for a plan of action, the girls are enlightened to another of the Heart's powers: the ability to clone the Guardians. While the clones put on a miserable and detention-provoking performance, the girls save Caleb and everyone else who has been captured by the quicksand monster and make sure no one falls victim to it again. The good news is that Phobos really doesn't have the seal. The bad news is the Seal is lying in a storm drain in Meridian, waiting for some poor schmuck to find. As the episode closes, Cedric demands a list of all who left the castle yesterday. (
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