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New Adventures of Robin Hood (The)
(Les Nouvelles aventures de Robin des Bois)
(The New Adventures of Robin Hood)
Précédent  3x11 Suivant
Diffusé le : 15/11/1998
Robin, Little John & Friar Tuck volunteer to escort a group of orphan boys to a new home in a town three days ride away. While underway, they discover that hiding amongst them is the young Queen Stephanie, on the run from Sir Mortimer, her cousin who wants to kill her. They are first attacked by a pair of criminals trying to recover some jewelry that one of the boys has stolen from them. Then they are waylaid by Sir Mortimer and his men trying to take Stephanie back, but they only manage to abduct Kyle, one of the boys who happens to be her childhood friend. Robin has to give chase to rescue Kyle, while the others keep the children safe. (
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