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New Adventures of Robin Hood (The)
(Les Nouvelles aventures de Robin des Bois)
(The New Adventures of Robin Hood)
Précédent  1x11 Suivant
Miracle à Avalon
Diffusé le : 24/03/1997
The God of Healers sent her young daughter, Gwyneth, from Avalon to live amongst mortals many years ago. The beautiful young healer must return home before her twenty-first birthday, or all who have been healed by her hand will die. Unknown to Robin, he was her first healing when he hit his head as a child, an act that was witnessed by his sworn enemy, Sir Guy of Gisborne. Sir Guy, knowing the consequences if she does not make it home, enlists the help of the evil witch Mordrelle, who was banished from Avalon many years ago, to help prevent Gwyneth's return. But Sir Guy is killed in a fight with Robin, and brought back to life by Gwyneth, so putting him in the same position as Robin. Sir Guy has to kill Mordrelle to enable Gwyneth's return to Avalon. (
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